Saturday 6 January 2018

Oh Deer!!!

I have been to Dunham Massey a few times in the last three or four months, the last time was during the rutting season when there was lots of action but the light was rubbish and so I didn't really get the shots I had hoped for. All the same I got some nice pictures that I shared at the time.

With the promise of better weather today I got up early and set off with my camera and high hopes. It was pretty cold so I wrapped up warm and donned my wellies and I walked several  miles, some of it through very muddy conditions but I enjoyed every minute of it. I would have stayed longer if I could and although I took lots of pictures I will definitely go back.

I think the shots I have shared today are proof that my early start was not in vain. I have lots of other, even better shots than these so please come back over the next few days to see some of those.

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