Monday 1 January 2018


I was lucky that today, for a couple of hours at least the sky was clear and the light was good. It was just as well because when I got to Mere Sands I realised that I had left my coat at home and while my layers of fleece were guaranteed to keep me warm they would offer little protection if it rained.

There was a fair variety of birds to see but not in great numbers and mostly too far out on the mere to get a good shot.

On land cormorants look clumsy and ungainly and in flight they're not the most elegant of creatures but in the water they are something else. Swimming low in the water with their sleek bodies and long necks they are elegant and graceful and it was mesmerising watching this one fishing.

Sadly the light and fair weather didn't last too long and was soon followed by heavy rain which brought an end to my New Year's photo shoot. But I am not complaining, I had a lovely couple of hours and even when the weather isn't great I enjoy being outdoors and there will hopefully be many more opportunities in the months ahead.

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