Saturday 13 January 2018

Long Eared Owl

I have had a great day today. 

I set out early this morning intent on a spot of landscape photography and with the hope that I would catch a beautiful sunrise across the Trough of Bowland but sadly the sky stayed grey and overcast all day. So I quickly gave up on the idea of landscape photography and I almost decided to head back home. 

However after a delicious bacon butty and mug of hot chocolate I reassessed my options and following a quick search on the internet I decided to go to the Turbary Owl  and Bird of Prey Sanctuary. 

I wasn't sure what to expect to be honest as it was tucked away behind a garden centre and my first impression wasn't too promising. However it was actually a great place to spend a couple of hours on a cold, cloudy Saturday. It was well worth the £5 entrance fee and I didn't mind paying the suggested additional donation for taking Hi Res photos because all of the money goes to the upkeep of the centre which is run by enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers.

There were lots of birds to see and get up close to, there was also a really good flying display with opportunities to get hands on with many of the birds. I had Bob the Barn Owl land on my head at one point and later I got to hold two other beautiful owls. It was such a thrill to hold them but also to see the looks of joy and wonder on the faces of the other visitors who also got to handle these precious birds.

I have to admit I went for it today taking close to 300 images and so there will be plenty to share with you. Today I have chosen a few shots of the magnificent Long Eared Owl. In these pictures he is settled on a perch where he is looking very regal. 

In the third shot I think it looks rather feline the way it is hunkered down. I have shared two variants of the third image with the second one having a monochrome background in order to make the owl stand out. I think it is very effective but I also like the full colour version so why not let me know in the comments which of the two versions you like most.

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