Sunday 7 January 2018

Looking Good...

I was lucky enough to spot this lone stag in a small clearing, he had quite clearly been digging up the soil with his antlers, perhaps searching for acorns or other tasty morsels. I followed at a safe distance trying not to spook him and to let him know I meant him no harm as he walked through the woodland. He stopped a few times and watched me and I thought  that he might run off but happily he seemed quite contented and relaxed. He approached a fallen tree and proceeded to clean his antlers by brushing against the branches.

As I slowly approached he would lift his head, look at me and sniff the air and then when he was satisfied that I was no threat he resumed his scraping. 

So today's three pictures show that story with his head down in the first image you can see how intently he was cleaning his impressive antlers.

In the second shot he has his tongue out, he wasn't being rude he was just doing a bit of grooming.

I like both of those shots because they are candid shots of a wild animal at ease going about its daily life.

I love the third shot though because it is a perfectly posed and beautifully lit natural portrait of a truly majestic and beautiful creature.

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