Wednesday 30 May 2018

A Random Trio

So here are three random shots taken around Gothenburg today.

It has been scorching hot today with temperature of 31c so it was great being out and about. Tomorrow is set to be a little cooler at 29c.

I took the first picture on my way down to the tram stop. It made me laugh in a schoolboy snickering way after all farts are funny right. In Swedish fart means speed so obviously not as funny but it shows how funny different languages can be.

Our plan for today was to explore one of the islands in Gothenburg's archipelago. We went to Vrango the southernmost island and spent a few hours wandering the trails and clambering over the rocks around the shore. I got some really nice landscape images but I am saving those til I get home. Instead my selection from the island is of the lichen on the rock which is a brilliant yellow.

The final picture today is of one of the trams, I thought about posing the question "I wonder what's got him so cross?" because the destination says Angered, just another example of how words can mean very different things.

Tomorrow before leaving this interesting city we're going to see the famous fish market and the horticultural society's garden which apparently is stunning.

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