Sunday 13 May 2018

Nicely Framed

Canon 24mm - 105mm 1:4 L

ISO 125    65mm   f/10   1/125 sec

ISO 125    102mm   f/8.0   1/125 sec

ISO 100    73mm   f/10   1/125 sec

Three more views today from Easby Abbey.

I love wandering around ancient ruins and trying to imagine what the building would have been like during its heyday. Trying to imagine the sounds and smells and recreate the bustle of activity in the different parts of the buildings. Who would have been wandering the corridors and running up the stairs and who would have looked through this magnificent window when it was in its full glory.

I also marvel at the skill of the masons who constructed these buildings with the limited technology available to them. 

It is also fun to watch the expressions of the modern day visitors as they also explore the ruins, especially the children climbing on the walls and playing hide and seek and telling their parents to "come and see!" 

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