Tuesday 8 May 2018


Canon 100mm f/1:2.8  ISO 100   f/6.3   1/160 sec

I had intended to share some of my pictures of the carpet of Bluebells in the woods at Burton Mere but when I was trying to choose I was a little disappointed with them because although the bluebells make a fantastic display there is also a lot of greenery that detracts somewhat from the flowers.  The green was that sticky weed, like velcro which happens to be called "Sticky Weed" or more properly Galium aparine. There was masses of the stuff and it spoils the overall effect of the pictures so I may have to try again to get some better shots.

So instead I decided to share a couple of macro images which are, I think, really beautiful.  You don't have to be a genius to see that the two pictures are of the exact same flower and the camera settings for each shot are identical. There is a slight difference in the angle but the principal difference is the lighting with the first image lit solely by the sun, from behind while the second is also lit from in front using a small hand held torch.

I really like both images, they have different qualities, I like the colour of the flowers better in the second image but I like the background effect in the first. If you have a favourite why not leave a comment, and let me know the reason for your choice...

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