Friday 11 May 2018

Like The Clappers

Canon 100mm f/1:2.8   ISO 100  f/4.0   1/80 sec

When we look at Bluebells, as a rule we look from above or perhaps from the side to take in the mass of colour or the beautiful bell shaped flowers but do we stop to look closely at the detail?  

In case the answer to that question is no take a look at the pictures that I have shared today. With the benefit of my macro lens and with my camera securely mounted on a tripod I can show you the wonderful interior of the bluebell with its clapper like stamen with their sugary pollen coating. Isn't it wonderful the way the petals peel back in that bell shape to expose the heart of the flower, enticing bees and other pollinating insects to do their work to ensure beautiful displays of these native beauties year on year.

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