Tuesday 15 May 2018

Cool Evening Reflections

Canon 24mm - 105mm 1:4 L
ISO 100  47mm f/22  1/100 sec

ISO 100   47mm   f/22  1/50 sec

I have said many times how glad I am to live by the sea. One of the real bonuses is the fact that we get lots of wonderful sunsets and on a nice calm evening when the tide is out there are some great photo opportunities.

Recently I had gone for a walk along the seafront to Dovepoint and I spotted a number of photographers out on the beach and in the creeks photographing some of the boats that were at rest on the mud. I wasn't dressed to join them so I went back the following evening and spent a really rewarding hour up to my shins in stinky mud with my camera set up on a tripod to capture what I hoped would be decent images.

Here are the first two that I wanted to share and I have to say I am pretty happy with them. I love the light, I love the reflections and I love the overall composition. Let me know what you think in the comments or just like and share , I like to get feedback...

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