Sunday 20 May 2018


Tamron 150mm - 600mm f/5:6.3

ISO250   552mm  f/6.3  1/320 sec

ISO 160  400mm  f/5.6   1/320 sec

The swan is such a majestic bird and always look so serene. Even when having a stretch as in the first shot or when chasing away a goose as in the second image. 

This bird was one of a pair that was nesting on a small island at the far end of the pond and s/he was very protective of the nest chasing away any potential threats. 

After a little while I watched the changing of the guard on the nest and was treated to a nice view of the clutch of eggs (more of that another day). But I wanted to share these pictures because they are really good and I love the reflections.

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