Monday 28 May 2018

All Stacked Up

This evening I am in Copenhagen on day 3 of my road trip and so far we have racked up over 1200 miles.

We left Vejle this morning after breakfast and headed to Billund, home of Lego and we visited the Lego House part of which you can see in today's picture. I have more shot of the building but I will save those for after I get back home.

The outside of the building is a massive playground and we spent so much time exploring it and messing around that we ran out of time to go in and look at the exhibits. We did manage to visit the shop though before setting off again.

On the way to Copenhagen I spotted an I sorry sat on a post not far from the road, I had never seen one before so that was a real treat. Then we drove across the Storebaelt bridge. Wow, I thought the Afsluitdyjk was impressive but today's bridge was somethielse entirely.

This afternoon we have explored parts of the city including the Free State of Christiana, I was warned not to take pictures inside so I only managed a few shots.  We walked along the waterfront and of course went to see the famous but dare I say it slightly underwhelming little mermaid statue...

Tomorrow we're pressing on to the next country on our route... Sweden and we'll be crossing the Oresund bridge, something I've been excited about for weeks. I know, I'm a bit weird and nerdy but some people love me for that so I'm happy.

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