Monday 14 May 2018

Ancient Arches

Canon 24mm - 105mm f1:4 L
ISO 100  24mm   f/14   1/125 sec

ISO 100  82mm  f/8.0   1/125 sec

I think that these will be the last shots from Easby Abbey near Richmond.  

I like the perspective in the first shot looking up the gentle rise at the ancient ruins. While there is a lot missing from the building there are plenty of traces that give an indication of how the building would have looked when it was new. I also really like the cloud formation which appears to be emanating from the nave.

The door in the second image caught my eye as I walked from the abbey down to the River Swale. I really like the shape of the door as it appears framed by the hedge and the wrought iron gate and the stepping stone paving that leads the eye to the centre of the shot.

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