Sunday 27 May 2018

Ups And Downs

So today is the second full day of my European roadtrip with my youngest son and I have a few pictures taken today.

Yesterday morning we arrived in Amsterdam after driving through the night, it was really hot and I was super tired and I hardly took any pictures so today I hoped to be a bit more productive.

We had an 8 1/2 hour drive to our second destination Vejle in Denmark it shouldn't have taken quite so long but we hit a few traffic jams which slowed us down quite a bit. We also stopped a couple of times and i managed a few shots on my camera and using my phone's camera.

The first stop was on the Afsluitdijk across the IJsselmeer which is a marvelous feat of engineering and something i had wanted to see ever since I was a child having read about it and seen it on a map. It is almost 20 miles long forming a defensive barrier against the sea. Part way along the road there is a viewing platform reached by means of a spiral staircase and you can see the views looking down and up the staircase in the first two pictures.

The third shot is of the corridor in our hotel. The lobby area to the hotel chic but the corridors have an almost industrial feel but it makes for an interesting photo. The room is comfortable and the food is good and the architecture is interesting so all in all it was a good choice.

Tomorrow we head to Copenhagen after a brief visit to the home of Lego so hopefully lots of good photo opportunities ahead.

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