Saturday 27 September 2014


Today I am sharing a couple of pictures of bridges.  The first I took in April 2008 I think I used an LG mobile phone for this one.  It is of a footbridge across the River Brathay near Skelwith Bridge in the Lake District National Park, just downstream from Elter Water. I've been to this spot a number of times, the most memorable occasion, I had been camping a little further up in Chapel Stile and I got up around 4.00 am to take pictures as the sun came up over Loughrigg.  I don't think I took a picture of this bridge that morning but I remember seeing a fox running along the opposite bank not far from here.  It was a lovely trip and another day I will share some pictures taken that morning.

I love the design of the bridge and I feel drawn into the picture by the shape of the sides as they curve inwards.

This second picture is one I have always been proud of.  It was taken in January 2009, I had only had my first DSLR for a few weeks and I had been to Hull for a work appointment.  I have always been impressed by this bridge which I believe is the longest single span suspension bridge in the world with one mile between each of the columns. I had driven across the bridge many times in the past but never stopped to look at it until the day this photo was taken.  I think I was lucky on this particular day with the light, the level of the tide and the fact that I had time to experiment as I got to grips with the new camera.  I have a copy of this picture on my wall at home, I love the way the river acts as a reflector lighting underneath the bridge and the way the structure reaches forwards from the opposite bank.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Canon 450D  18 - 55mm f3.5 @ 23mm f11 ISO 100

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