Thursday 25 September 2014


When I was a young child I would regularly visit my grandparents and often we would go into the school field behind their house and pick mushrooms for breakfast.  I used to love searching for them and was very taken with the fairy rings that we found.

I've also always found fungi interesting subjects to photograph and I've chosen a few to share today.  I am sure that in the future there will be others too.  

The first picture was taken  on a walk with my mother in Hamsterley Forest in Co Durham.   They were growing at the bottom of a tree and I had to get right down in the dirt to get the shot I wanted.  I've used it as my facebook cover photo for some time and thought it deserved a spot on my blog.

The other pictures were some of my first using a macro lens, they were taken at Thurstaston Common in April 2013.  I found these pin sized plants growing on a rotting fence post and couldn't resist trying out my new kit.

Canon 450D Canon 18 - 55mm at 55mm f9 ISO 400

Canon 450D Canon 100mm f2.8  at f16 ISO 400

Canon 450D Canon 100mm 2.8 at f10 ISO 1600

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