Friday 26 September 2014

Fountains Abbey

This year I have been lucky enough to visit Fountains Abbey a couple of times, it is a World Heritage site and definitely deserves that classification. 

On my first visit I had a wonderful time but didn't have the opportunity to take many pictures so I put that right today.  Below is a small selection of the better shots which I think show what a terrific place it is.

Taking photos at such a popular spot is quite challenging trying to get the right shot without lots of people in the frame.  A lot of patience is required and sometimes I struggle.  

It was really nice at one point today when a couple of fellow visitors stopped to watch and chat as I tried to get one particular picture right.  They asked if I published any of my pictures and when I told them about my new blog they asked for my card, perhaps I will have to get some printed.  

Anyway I hope you enjoy the pictures I have selected for today...

Canon 6D Canon 24 -105 f4 @32mm, f9 ISO100

Canon 6D  24 - 105 @ 80mm f14 ISO12,800

Canon 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 24mm f7.1 ISO100

Canon 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 28mm f7.1 ISO100

Canon 6D Canon 70 - 300 f5 @235mm f5 ISO 100

Canon 6D 70-300 f5  @ 300mm f16 ISO 100

Canon 6D 24-105 f4 @ 55mm f9 ISO 100

Canon 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 49mm f9 ISO 100

Canon 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 32mm f9 ISO 100


  1. Great photos! I especially like the one of the arches, the warmth of the lighting, the texture of the stone and the perspective combine for a nice feel.

    1. Thanks. I tried various settings and settled in this one, as you say the warmth of the stone really comes out. This was one of those times where I had to wait a long time to get the picture without any other visitors in the frame. Well worth the wait I think.
