Monday 29 September 2014


First of all I want to say thank you to everybody who has taken the time to read my blog and look at the pictures, today which is day 12 since i started my pages have been viewed over 700 times in total.  Spiral has been the most popular post so far with over 90 views to that page alone. 

Today I am posting three photos taken at Greenfield Heritage Park in North Wales on a day out with my brother and his family.  There's a range of different things to see and do and on one part of the site there are some old mill buildings and the remains of some heavy duty machinery.  I thought they made interesting photographic subjects and I have taken the same shots in monochrome and in colour for contrast.  I have posted the colour and monochrome images together...

Canon EOS 6D 24 - 105mm f4 @ 47mm f4 ISO 100

Canon EOS 6D 24 - 105 f4 @ 80mm f4 ISO 100

Canon EOS 6D Canon 24-105mm f4 @ 65mm f4 ISO 100
I love the way the rust and weathering in the colour photos add warmth to the industrial decay but I also love the way in which the monochrome emphasises the coldness of the abandoned machinery.  I can't decide which I prefer, let me know what you think in the comments below...

1 comment:

  1. Once again some nice photos. I have always had a thing for the old black and white photos and with the high resolutions possible they can really jump out at you. As always a good artistic eye helps see the quality of a particular shot when in the view finder.
