Wednesday 24 September 2014

Loch Ard

As I was driving home from work today I was listening to a track  Elk by This Town Needs Guns from their 2009 Album Animals.  I was trying to decide what picture I would be posting to my blog and as I listened to this tune I visualised this photograph taken back in March 2011.  I can't really say why I matched music and picture but they seem to fit.  

The day I took this photo of Loch Ard in The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, was a really good day.  I had gone up to Glasgow for work and once my appointment was out of the way I spent the day touring around the area.  I really made the most of the time I had and when I look at this and other pictures from that day it all comes back to me.  The only downside to the trip being the really dodgy haggis and chips I had for lunch.

Here it was so peaceful and as you can see the surface of the loch was mirror calm. I had visited this spot about 20 years previously and had been entranced by the view so to go back and capture it like this was a real treat.

Loch Ard (Canon 450D Sigma 10 -20 mm @18mm f5.6 ISO 200)                                                                            

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