Sunday 28 September 2014


I like a good reflection, (like when I am shaving in the morning... Ha ha), and I have often looked for reflections in the landscape to include in my photos.  Places like the Lake District of course offer lots of opportunities but every now and then being in the city can throw up some interesting and unexpected views.

I captured today's offering in November 2009 in Salt Lake City.  I had been visiting my brother and his family and we had gone into the city to see the sights. As I turned a corner between two buildings I saw the reflection of the Office Building of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  captured in the windows of another office block on the opposite side of the main street.  I like the way that the upright structures are distorted in the reflection and the way the sun has given added warmth to the image.

Canon 450D 18-55mm @55mm f5.6 ISO 250

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