Tuesday 30 September 2014

Two From Bruges

Last year I went to Bruges twice, the first time in July and the second in November.  In July the place was hot and heaving with tourists and day trippers like me and in November the city was gearing up for its big Christmas market.  It really is a beautiful place to visit and as  Ralph Fiennes says in the 2008 movie In Bruges "It's like a fairytale".  

There were plenty of pictures of the canals and stunning architecture that I could have chosen to share but I thought I would post a couple of pictures which I feel show the fun side of the city. 

Around the city there were lots of buskers of different genres including string quartets, soloists and as in this picture some very colourful figures.  I was really pleased with this image as the guy half posed as he played what I assume was a traditional song.  I happily threw a few euros into his kettle... 

Canon EOS 6D EF 24 -105mm F4L @ 98mm f5 ISP125
Being quite small, with narrow streets and relatively little traffic Bruges lends itself to cycling and there were lots of bikes everywhere I looked.  This second photo is of one of many bicycles which have been decorated by their owners to stand out.  

Canon EOS 6D EF24 -105 mm f4L @ 45mm f9 ISO 125

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