Thursday 18 September 2014

I have to start somewhere. . .

I have been interested in photography for many years having first got to grips with a Kodak Brownie as a child but starting properly in 1980 with my first camera, a Praktica MTL5 and eventually upgrading to an Olympus OM10 which I used for many years.  I focused mainly on B&W and even did a bit of processing using a cheap darkroom setup in the bathroom.   But that was a long time ago and when the kids came along my hobby took a back seat, cameras were sold and I wondered if I would ever get back to it.

In 2001 I bought my first digital camera, a Konika  4mp compact which reawakened my passion and I longed for a DSLR but for so long I couldn't justify the expense.  I eventually took the plunge and bought a Canon 450D (which cost little more than the Konika had a few years previously). I gradually invested in a few lenses and I happily snapped away everywhere I went.

I now proudly own a Canon 6D and a couple of EF lenses and my youngest son has my 450D and we have had some good times and I have enjoyed sharing my interest with him. 

I have enjoyed sharing my favourite pictures with family and friends and I love getting feedback. I have now decided to create a blog with the intention of sharing my pictures with a wider audience, at least that's what I hope for, and I welcome comments and criticism so that I can develop and improve.  

I will be posting individual favourites from past and present and I decided to start with this picture which I snapped on a very memorable day in the New Forest in June this year. I was balancing on a log when I heard a rustling in the leaf litter and I spotted this little frog. After bit of careful handling it was taken using my Canon EF 24-105mm at 105mm f4.0 ISO100.  I'm very fond of this little frog, let me know what you think. . .


  1. I'm not too familiar with the technical jargon but like the look of this wee chap! He looks like he's pondering the meaning of life :)
