Sunday 21 September 2014


Spiral Staircase at Versailles

Just one picture for today.

This was taken  on my old 450D using a Sigma 10 - 20mm EFS lens at 10mm f4. ISO 200 in aperture priority mode.  I loved that lens but it doesn't fit my new camera body so a good wide angle lens will probably be the next bit of kit I buy.  

Anyway enough of the geeky stuff, this staircase is in the Palace at Versailles.  I love the warm colour of the stone and the workmanship was outstanding.  I  also love the form as the stairs lead upwards to nothing. I like to imagine all the people who would have climbed these stairs in their fine clothes back in the day...


  1. I love it. I visited there many years ago but sadly I did not have a camera worthy of such a picture. It reminds me a little of the staircase at the Manti Temple. Beautiful photo.

    1. Thank you . When I first started thinking about doing this blog I knew this would be one of the first pictures I would post. It's one of my favourites.
