Sunday 15 March 2015


So today's offering is a bit different.  I'm working from my mobile phone and I have chosen two connected images which are hopefully going to have you wondering...

If you can work out what they are please leave a comment, either in the comments field below or on the facebook link.  I am curious as to how many will work it out so please have a go!  The is no prize for guessing correctly but equally there's no shame in getting it wrong, it's just a bit of fun.  The only clue is that although they are not of the same thing there is a connection... The first picture is probably the easiest to guess.


  1. The first one looks like the foam made when you make a rootbeer float.

    1. Close, it's actually the bubbles on orange juice and lemonade

      The second one is gonna be much harder to guess

    2. Close, it's actually the bubbles on orange juice and lemonade

      The second one is gonna be much harder to guess
