Monday 2 March 2015

Garden Birds

More signs of spring today; a selection of photos of garden birds taken on Saturday in Royden Park.

If you have seen my blog before you will know that I like Blue tits and today's shots show a couple of cute little ones.  I like the one in the last few images which has turned its head through 180 degrees to look around.

The fourth picture is of a Chaffinch which was singing loudly in the tree some distance away, which explains the slightly blurred image.

The other bird is a Nuthatch, one of my favourite birds.  I know that it looks a bit like a stuffed bird but I promise it was real, and living and very quick.  I was really happy to get these shots.

1 comment:

  1. Wow beautiful pictures, I saw a blue tit at my grans house the other day- never seen one before!
