Saturday 7 March 2015


So I have gone for a splash of colour today.  With temperatures getting into double figures it looks like spring is definitely on the way and these beautiful Crocus emphasise that fact. Just a thought, what is the plural of crocus, is it crocus or croci or crocuses?  I'm sure someone out there will know and leave a comment to help me out...

I drove past this little glade the other morning and knew I would have to stop by to get a few pictures before the flowers fade.  I love crocus (I'm sticking with that for now) and seeing these reminded me of a visit to Harrogate, in North Yorkshire, last spring.  Anyone who has been to Harrogate at this time of year will have seen extensive beds of these flowers all around the town.  Its a lovely place to visit anyway but in spring these flowers are an added bonus.  These pictures bring back some happy memories.

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