Sunday 8 March 2015

Where's Wally

These three pictures were taken yesterday at the RSPB reserve at Burton Mere where I met some helpful and enthusiastic wardens. It was a very windy morning and the reserve was busy with visitors come to see the Long Eared Owl which has recently taken up residence.

The first of today's pictures shows a pair of Canada Geese which very noisily took to the air near me, I was lucky enough top get this shot as they flew past.

Picture two is of the owl, its the full shot as taken in camera and although you can just make out the owl you can also see how effective its camouflage is.  The third image is a crop taken from the main image and is slightly enhanced.  It was a little difficult to focus but it is possible to see the beautiful owl asleep in the morning sun. There were a number of serious twitchers absorbed with watching the owl and a number of other photographers with some serious gear, I experienced just a little "lens envy".

The final image is of a Robin (yes I have shared a few recently but they are such lovely little birds and always willing to pose) and a very fine specimen too.

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