Monday 16 March 2015

The road trip begins

Here is a mixed selection of fairly random images, all taken with the camera on my phone, as all of the images for the next few weeks while I'm traveling round with my eldest son on our European road trip.

The first shot is of the odometer prior to setting off. It's purpose really is to help me work out the overall mileage.  Today I covered 539 miles at an average of 56.4 mpg

The next picture is taken in our stylish hotel room home from home for the next two nights in Amsterdam.

The third is a somewhat abstract shot of a display in a chocolatier's window in Bruges. I deliberately merged the display with the reflection of the tree and buildings to create an interesting image.

The final picture was taken in the underground car park in Bruges as a record so that in my sleep deprived state I could find the car again.

Anyway that's all for today. Keep looking over the next few days for some more random road trip pictures.

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