Friday 12 May 2017

A Place To Sit And Think

So today's picture has taken quite a bit of time to prepare. I have recently been experimenting a bit with a technique (I don't know if it has a name) trying to highlight colour in a black and white image. Sometimes it works and others it doesn't. Today's effort is a work in progress rather than the finished item and I will be coming back to it at some point as I really want to get this right.

I love this image but in black and white it is lacking something and in colour the beautiful floor gets lost. So I tried something different. At first i actually wanted to make the chair pop out becaue the colour of the wood and the straw seat is really beautiful but in lightroom which is what I have used the process is quite tedious and not very precise so after three or four attempts I gave up and decided to bring out the floor which is also quite amazing. Again the process hasn't worked as well as I had hoped so more practice is needed. Maybe I need to try in photoshop using layers, if anyone can given me some pointers I would be very grateful.

In spite of its imperfections I hope you will agree that  the image is good and the overall effect is really nice and so worth striving for perfection.

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