Monday 22 May 2017


More of my favourite colour for today's selection but instead of Laburnum today's flowers are California Poppies.

The first picture isn't a crop it is the full image. I wanted to get right in to capture the detail of its fertile centre.

I like the meadow feeling from the second image with the trees, azaleas and ferns as a backdrop and then I love the strong yet delicate sentinel in the final image.

I know I can get a bit carried away when I am talking about flowers but they are so beautiful and they give me such a lift. I don't have the patience to do gardening but I have a lovely selection of photos that I have taken over the years that I can go to at any time.

I think some of you will be on the same page with me and I am sure that some of you will also share my love of the colour yellow.

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