Monday 8 May 2017

Street Chic

So for today I have selected a few more shots from Paris' Left Bank and I have also tweaked a couple of them to make some of the colours pop.

The first image is of a mobile crepe stand, the guy really looks the part and he seemed to do a good trade.

The second shot was an accident as I was lining up to take a picture of something else and a bus load of tourists disembarked in front of me and they all streamed past me as if I wasn't there so I snapped a few. I picked this one and chose to highlight the girl because of her choice in bright clothing.

The third picture is another of the book vendors along the riverbank and I have introduced some colour by highlighting the painting in the foreground.

The final shot for today was taken walking from the La Durée shop on rue Bonaparte to the chocolate shop of Debauve & Gallais on Rue des Saints-Péres. I thought this couple had such style that I couldn't resist capturing the image.

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