Sunday 14 May 2017

Heavenly Bodies

I always like taking shots of the moon, it has a magical appeal and last weekend it was really bright and clear so while out at Bolton Abbey for my camping trip I couldn't resist taking this shot. It was hand held and it was very windy so I didn't get the sharpest image, and so I need some more practice. All the same it's not too bad.

I had hoped to get some nice shots of the night sky but as you can see the moon was very bright so although there wasn't a cloud in the sky the starts weren't as prominent as I had hoped although in the second of today's picture Jupiter is shining brightly in spite of the moon.

Walking around Bolton Abbey after dark (particularly by the cemetery proved to be quite spooky and so although I got a couple of shots I didn't hang around too long. 

I have another trip to the area planned for next weekend with two of my kids and I am hoping for two things; a clear but moonless sky and an accomplice who will not get spooked when we go down to the abbey and maybe I will stay around a bit longer and get some better pictures to share. Wish me luck.

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