Friday 26 May 2017

Pompon de Paris

I had intended to take a break from flowers tonight and I was going to move onto some of the architectural features of Bodnant Gardens but in the end I plumped for these three different varieties of rose. The first is Pompon de Paris and the last one is Rosa "zigeunerknabe".

Recently I was asked what my favourite flower was and my answer almost without hesitation was the rose and so I was obviously going to share some rose pictures from my day at Bodnant. Of course Rose covers a huge range of flowers, colours, shapes, sizes and of course fragrances. There is so much to love about a rose and hopefully you will love the ones I have chosen for you today.

If you look closely at the tight rosebud in the second image you will see the texture of the new petals and a fine covering of delicate hairs which perhaps you wouldn't expect to see. It just goes to show that it is always worth taking a closer look at things as there is very often much more going on than you would normally see.

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