Saturday 27 May 2017

Pin Mill

So yesterday I said I had planned on sharing some of the agricultural features from Bodnant and here today are three different views of the pin mill. The third shot is perhaps a more traditional view but the others are views that would often be missed or overlooked.

I like the way the trellis frames the building in the second shot and in the first I like the way it draws the eye towards the mill.

I have really enjoyed posting my blog and I am very pleased that I will soon reach a total of 50,000 views (not counting the page views on my facebook page. So I have decided that I will giveaway a high quality print on the day that I hit the 50,000 total. To be in with a chance to win all you have to do is visit my facebook page and like and share. The more times you share the page the more chances you have to win. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose

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