Saturday 31 December 2016

puzzling reflection

So can you tell what is reflected here in this pool?

It is a happy Humboldt Penguin on parade at Chester Zoo. I like the reflection of the penguin but I also like the way the ripples light up the penguins underside.

Friday 30 December 2016

Cats and Dogs...

I have recently posted a lovely photo of a cheetah but yesterday when I went to the zoo I managed to get some really great shots the first of today's offering being one.

The second shot is a dog, a Bush Dog and they are unbelievably cute. Apparently they have a very wide range in the wild but they are extremely rare so to see such a healthy group at Chester Zoo is really nice.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Whose Shadow?

You may have noticed that I haven't posted anything for a week, what with Christmas and various other things on my mind I just haven't got round to it.  So I thought that I would start up again with a little puzzle. 

Can you work out whose shadows you are looking at in this picture?

Scroll down for the full image...

Of course, it's a couple of meerkats soaking up the last of the days' sunshine. It really was very cold out there today so you can hardly blame them. They're just so cute. I have a few more pictures of them to share among some of the other creatures I snapped this afternoon so come back and have a look over the coming days.

Thursday 22 December 2016

Sea Defense

On the beach at Aberaeron these defense prevent erosion. It is interesting that the pebbles on the right hand side which is more exposed to the effects of the waves are small compared to the stones on the more sheltered left hand side which are much larger.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

New Bridge

This wooden footbridge spans the Afon Aeron (that's River Aeron for non Welsh speakers) in the pretty seaside town of Aberaeron in Ceredigion. It was taken in the middle of the afternoon but as it is mid December the light was fading fast and the colours weren't too crisp so I think a black and white image is more effective.

Tuesday 20 December 2016


I was going to post something nice and cuddly but then I got some news I didn't like so apologies for the language but Arse!!!

It's still quite a good picture tho.

Monday 19 December 2016

Cards? I don't think so!

Well you wouldn't play cards with a cheetah...

Sorry I know it is a dreadful joke. 

I love cats, even though I won't have a pet one (so nobody ask) and I love big cats even more. My favourite is a close tie between a Jaguar and a Snow Leopard but not far behind is the cheetah, It is so beautiful, it has such poise and bearing. It is so powerful and ready to leap into action to chase down its prey. At the zoo the cheetahs enclosure is being refurbished and improved so they have been moved to a smaller temporary enclosure which meant I could get really close, it was amazing. It was always on the move so I was thrilled to get such a good clear shot, even through the wire.

Saturday 17 December 2016

King of the Jungle

This majestic lion is looking rather thoughtful but just moments before this shot was taken he was roaring fit to bust a gut and he had chased one of the lionesses off what seemed to be his favourite spot. But once he had asserted his dominance he strolled off to a quiet spot to lay down. Some might say "typical" others my say "impressive", you decide... 

Thursday 15 December 2016

A Somnolent Posture

When I was younger I used to enjoy listening to the monologues of Stanley Holloway and in particular the stories of Albert and the Lion which I memorised.

When I was at the zoo and I saw this lion laid out on this log I recalled the line "He lay in a somnolent posture with the side of his face on the bars..." The lion in the poem was Clarence and obviously a "he" and the lion in this shot is obviously a "she"  but it definitely fits the bill.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

It's A Hoot

I have always loved owls and these two specimens at Chester Zoo are quite stunning. I love the serene pose of the Ural Owl in the first image but my favourite of the two is the Northern Hawk Owl with its piercing gaze. While the Ural Owl sat serenely watching the world go by the Hawk Owl was always alert, keeping its eyes on me at all times.

Monday 12 December 2016

You've gotta love a Robin

So there I was walking around the zoo, I had spent about 40 minutes watching the Red Pandas and after getting a few decent shots I was heading over to look at some owls when this noisy little Robin flew past me and settled on a post just off the main path. I hadn't intended to take any pictures of it, after all Robins are everywhere and I didn't go to the zoo to look at common garden birds. But I do love Robins and I know there's a few of you out there who would say "you've gotta love a Robin" and just look at him, he was watching me so intently it seemed rude to ignore him. I love the pose  and I like the way the blurred background with the shaft of light highlights the bird perfectly. 

Just as it would have been rude not to take the shot it would be rude not to share it, so please take a few moments to enjoy this beautiful bird and I hope that like me, your day was just a little bit brighter for seeing it.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Look Into My Eyes

I can't decide whether this elephant looks happy or sad. I am slightly surprised how small its eye is in comparison to the size of its head. I think it makes a great photo though.

Saturday 10 December 2016

Rhinoceros unicornis

I said yesterday that I would be posting more images from my brief visit this week  to Aberaeron, however today I had an opportunity to use my membership of Chester Zoo (thanks kids for my birthday gift) and spend a couple of hours taking photos. It was cold and grey so fortunately (for me) the zoo wasn't very busy which meant I had time to watch some of my favourite animals without lots of distractions. 

I didn't tour the whole zoo, I will have plenty of opportunities to go back, but I spent some time watching the Red Pandas and some of the big cats. For today however I have chosen a shot of an animal I haven't photographed before; the Indian Rhinoceros also known as the greater one horned rhino. The zoo has some Black Rhino, a baby was born there in January this year but this is the Indian Rhino and it looks quite prehistoric with its heavy armoured hide. It's not pretty but I think it is magnificent.

Friday 9 December 2016

White Lines...

Earlier this week I had to travel to a small village in Carmarthenshire in Wales for work. It was a long day but with 8 hours total driving time through some stunning scenery it didn't feel like work, but don't anyone tell my boss. Along the route I was excited to see lots of my favourite bird of prey, the beautiful Red Kite, but sadly I didn't get chance to photograph them.

I did however stop off at the little seaside village of Aberaeron and although the light was pretty poor I had a really good time taking pictures down on the beach and around the streets and harbour and as you can probably guess I will be sharing some of my favourite shots from the day. I am hoping that I have to go back to that area again in the new year and hopefully then the light will be better.

Today I have chosen this picture of a pebble, it really stood out with the lightning flashes which are not etched on the surface but run right through the stone. I think it looks really cool.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Winter Gold

As winter approaches you don't really expect to see brightly coloured flowers but on Thurstaston Common lit up by the rising sun I found this beautiful gorse in full bloom. I am always surprised by how delicate the flowers are compared to the violently spiky foliage.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Layered Landscape

I really love this picture, I love the hard and soft layers, I love the cold frosty rocks in the foreground, the trees lit up by the rising sun and the mist separating the hill in the distance, and then I love the layers of colours in the sky with the peachy glow.

It was a lovely morning and I think this picture captures it really well.

Monday 5 December 2016

Frosty Moss

Looking down as I walked across the common I saw this clump of frosty moss and what I think is a variety of Ganoderma fungus. It looks rather like a colony of coral.

Friday 2 December 2016

Frozen Oak

This little oak shoot was springing up through the grass and I was surprised to see it because the oak tree I have in my garden has already shed all of its leaves.

I love the frosty coating and close up it looks like tiny grains of salt or icing sugar.

Thursday 1 December 2016

On Frozen Pond

I was fascinated to see the intricate and varied patterns etched in the ice on a small pool of water collected in the uneven surface of the bedrock on Thurstaston Hill. I have cropped the image slightly to remove some blades of grass in the bottom corner because they were a distraction from what I wanted to share.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Frosty Fern

An otherwise plain fern has a magical appearance courtesy of sub zero temperatures, a little shade, and some added sparkle from a hand held torch.

Monday 28 November 2016

Morning Glow

So yesterday I posted a black and white shot of the waterfront at West Kirby and I mentioned the lovely colours in the morning sky, and today I have decided to post a different view looking across the marine lake in colour so that you can see for yourself the glorious sunrise.

This was a fairly long exposure, as long as I dared given that it was hand held and low light, so that there is a nice effect on the water's surface and the delicate pastel shades of the sky are really beautiful. The moon is also just visible as a bright spot high in the sky.

It was -3C (26F) and so my fingers quickly got numb, all the same I think it was worth it and for the next two hours I made the most of the perfect light to get some great shots.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Misty Morning Marine Lake

Although it was quite foggy the early morning sky had a warm glow and the colours were quite lovely and I will post a different view in a day or two so that you can see that for yourself. 

However, it was also quite an eerie feeling walking along the edge of the lake and the further from the shore the denser the fog became and I think that this picture in black and white gives a real sense of that eeriness.  

Saturday 26 November 2016

Sunburst through trees

I haven't been able to get out with my camera for a little while because I haven't been feeling too well, or when I have had the chance to get out the weather hasn't really been good enough, or more importantly the light just hasn't been right.

Earlier this week as I was out driving for work I could see the Cumbrian fells were covered with snow and so I decided that when the weekend arrived I would head up to the lakes. Yesterday morning there was a beautiful sunrise and a decent frost so I thought that was a good sign and I was excited at the prospect of getting out. This morning however there was a thick fog so the idea of a long drive through the fog didn't seem too appealing and I decided to go somewhere closer to home; the lakes will have to wait.

It was still dark when I left the house and I started with some nice shots of the local roads lit by street lighting shrouded in mist, then I went on to West Kirby and photographed the marine lake before heading for higher ground at Thurstaston. When I got there there was another photographer setting up his tripod in readiness for the sunrise, he had a great spot and I am sure that he will have got some nice images.

I think I was also well rewarded for my efforts with a variety of pictures from across the common and as always I am excited to be able to share them with you.

Today's picture is actually one of the last ones I took as I walked back to my car. I noticed a patch of bracken which was lit up by the rising sun and so stepped off the path to have a closer look and then I saw the burst of light through the trees, I have to say that this is one of my favourite pictures and I will be printing this one and framing it to go on my wall.

Friday 25 November 2016

Making A Splash in Middlebrun Bay

Capturing these images wasn't easy and required the help of two willing volunteers (who shall remain nameless but they know who they are) who gathered the rocks and threw them as best as possible to the predetermined spot. Judging distance was not easy and more often than not either they, or I missed the target but when we managed to get it right I think the result was pretty good.

I think the first of these shots is a little blurred, suggesting a fast shutter speed was required but even so I like the overall composition with the splash and the reflection in the smooth surface water.

I like the second image which is more abstract and was taken from immediately above the splash zone. I like the way the water droplets are rising towards the lens and the small ripples as the droplets fall back to the lake surface.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Old Wood

I have posted pictures from Silver Islet before (and no doubt will post more in the future) but one part of the community that isn't generally noticed is the cemetery. This is because it is secluded within the forest at the end of a short trail (approx 1km) and it is overgrown and decaying; a hidden relic of the villages' past.

Some of the graves have headstones and others are marked by simple wooden markers and some of the plots are enclosed by small wooden fences like the one in this picture.

We visited on a hot and sunny day but even so there was a certain chill as we walked among the graves and it was particularly moving as we read the inscriptions on the few stones that were legible, especially when we found the grave of a ten month old child underlining how challenging conditions must have been for the settlers in Silver Islet back in the day.

I like this picture because of the rugged look of the old wood and the mossy growth which adds extra depth and texture.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Here's Looking At You

When I went to Canada getting a shot of a Bald Eagle was at the top of my wish list (alongside Bears, Otters and Hummingbirds) and I have to say I was really happy to be able to get up close enough to get this shot. 

My first attempts were unsuccessful due to the birds being spooked by my lens which was not camouflaged so I experimented by covering the lens with a t shirt and it seemed t do the trick 

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Cheeky Chipmunk

This little chap was a regular visitor to our camp but always kept a respectful distance because of Sammy and Dash the two dogs who completed our camping party. He was always on the move too making it incredibly difficult to get a clear shot. On our last day however half of our party had returned to the city taking the dogs with them and so the chipmunk and the red squirrels that had previously been wary suddenly lost all fear and came to join us near the camp fire picking through the vegetation for tasty snacks.

I guess for the locals seeing a chipmunk, even up close like this can be an everyday occurrence but for a tourist like me it was completely magical.

Monday 21 November 2016

Driftwood Sculpture

A while ago I posted a shot of a miniature stone henge made from tiny bits of driftwood created on a short stop off at Neys Provincial Park. Today's post is of another piece of driftwood art, this one was created by my daughter. I had to get right down to ground level to get the perspective right and I think that with my daughters' creative skills and my photographer's eye this makes a great shot.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Stay Positive

I am not sure what was going through the artists mind when he painted this mural, and the moose is looking extremely chilled but I like the sentiment "Stay Positive".

There is a lot happening in the world around us that gives us reason to be worried but those that know me know that I tend to see the glass half full and so I am sharing this image with the message, regardless of what is going on "Stay Positive"

Saturday 19 November 2016

Supersized Street Art

Over the last few days my blog has been of various fungi and today I have taken things out of the forest into the city for this really cool street art.

In Toronto there are some really good examples of grand scale art and over the next couple of days I will share a few different shots from around the city.

Friday 18 November 2016

Fairy Dell

I know that many of you will believe in fairies, even if that is something you keep to yourself.

You may wonder why I am so interested in photographing fungi and I would say that with so many shapes, sizes and colours  and the fact that they grow in lots of different places I genuinely find them quite fascinating. However there is another reason; little spots like the one in this photograph are perfect locations for fairies and the more I look the more chance there is of seeing some and when I do...

Thursday 17 November 2016

Fancy Frills

The fungus featured today had a large, flat, tan coloured surface but the most striking feature was the white underside with fine frills resembling an Elizabethan ruff.

I have been able to highlight the delicate spores by using a small torch that I always have in my camera bag and I am really pleased with the effect.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

A Curious Fungus

This thimble shaped fungus was growing on the sawn end of a fallen tree. It was really quite small but it is hard to give a real idea of scale. However the parallel lines on the left of the frame are the growth rings of the tree so that should give some sense of how small it is.

From above it was rather uninteresting since it looked like a dirty lump, almost like a piece of used gum and I wasn't going to bother taking a photograph but as I took the time to look closer I noticed the bristles around the outer surface and the texture of the fungus around the lower rim, and then I saw the spores inside which resemble the rows of teeth in a sharks mouth. Funnily enough when I was selecting this picture for today my son commented that it was like sharks teeth so hopefully you will see it too.

If you have seem my blog before you will know that I love fungus and the world of fungi is full of curiosities just like this. I know that as well as photographing them I need to learn to identify them too.Curiosity

Tuesday 15 November 2016

What a Super Moon

I was somewhat disappointed last night, seeing shots from around the world of the fantastic moon because here at home the cloudy skies meant that I got barely a glimpse.

Tonight however it was different story at least for a short while as the sky was cloud free for just long enough to get a few decent shots. I know that I have posted pictures of the moon before but it's hard to resist so I hope you enjoy these.

Monday 14 November 2016

Kakabeka Falls

I had seen photos of the falls here before but I wasn't really prepared for the scale of this natural wonder. It was a lovely hot day and the spray from the falls was really refreshing as I took in the wonderous site. 

Sunday 13 November 2016

Beautiful Blue Heron

I haven't posted anything for a few days with going out to gigs and going camping (in spite of the weather) and so I haven't really had an opportunity. I couldn't think what to post and so browsing through my folders I came across this shot of a Blue Heron. I really like this shot, it was early evening and I love the way the evening sun was lighting up the reeds in the background. It was quite a lucky shot too as I almost walked past the small break in the reeds surrounding the lake, and I am reminded that I have to keep my eyes open all the time for great photo opportunities.

There was something quite mesmerising watching this beautiful bird standing so still and reflected in the calm water. I could have stayed for a long time watching it but as the light was fading I had to move on.

Monday 7 November 2016

Fanning Out

I spotted this fern during a walk at Brock Bottom recently, I like the way it has opened out to welcome the sun and how it is lit up. 

Sunday 6 November 2016

Wonder Wall

The title to today's post is not an homage to Oasis or even Mike Flowers Pops, it refers to this actual wall and the fact that I wonder why there is a random wall in the middle of a forest.

As I wandered through the forest looking for fungi to photograph I came across this tumble down wall or part of a wall which didn't seem to be going anywhere or even enclosing anything. I guess that at some time in the past it was part of an enclosure of some sort and perhaps the forest has grown up and taken over.

I have always like dry stone walls especially when they have a covering of moss. here I like the texture and colours in the shade of the pines.

Saturday 5 November 2016

On The Forest Floor

You can see from the clover in the top right of the picture just how small this fungus is and it was amazing that I actually spotted it because it was in a very dark and shady spot. Luckily I had a torch in my bag so could light it up.

Friday 4 November 2016

Pleated Inkcap Fungus

I spotted this tiny little fungus nestled in a shady spot in a bed of moss and I think it is a Pleated Ink Cap. There are so many different varieties of fungi its hard to be certain. I really need to learn a bit more about them don't I so that I can at least identify them with a bit more confidence.

Thursday 3 November 2016

The Old Post Office

This fantastic old house used to be the post office for Silver Islet. It is in a great location with views over the lake, it has lots of character and charm and would make an excellent fixer upper. It also makes a good subject for photos.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Juvenile Loon

Here in the UK these birds would be called Divers but in Canada they are Loons. They are quite beautiful when fully grown and just cute as downy chicks like this one. They have the most haunting cry which can be heard from miles away.

I was out on the lake in the canoe when we came across an adult and this juvenile and as we paddled closer so that I could get a clear shot the adult bird tried its hardest to distract us and lure us away from its chick. We got as close as we dared without being too close and then we allowed ourselves to be lured away by the adult. I couldn't get a proper shot of the adult bird though because it was constantly on the move and kept diving below the surface and popping up in a different spot and then when it was satisfied that we were no longer a threat to its young it flew back to where the young bird was swimming and they paddled off together. Although it was slightly frustrating and I couldn't get all of the shots I wanted I was really impressed to see such good parenting.