Monday 30 July 2018

Above the City

I love looking out over the rooftops of the towns and cities that I have visited.

I had come to Prague with high hopes of seeing some wonderful architecture and I wasn't disappointed. As we walked up towards St Vitus Cathedral from the Malostranka metro station we were treated to spectacular views across the old city.

I think the view looks just as good in black and white as in colour. The monochrome image gives a sense of age or history which fits the style of the architecture. In colour though you get the richness of the rooftops and warm colours of the walls which stand out against the wooded hills. It looks particularly good as the sun comes through the clouds and lights up the old town.

In the second image you can see across to the business district, one of the high rise buildings on the horizon was our hotel. You can also see the Vltava as it cuts through the city and some of the many bridges that span the river.

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