Tuesday 31 July 2018

Heavenly Light

We had queued to get into St. Vitus Cathedral and it was definitely worth it for the stunning Gothic architecture. 

The cathedral holds the tombs of St Vitus, St Wenceslas and St Adelbert and while I won't pretend to know why they achieved sainthood the grand surroundings suggest that they were well revered and must have done something truly remarkable.

The cathedral also houses the state treasury.

I took the first image in black and white because I think it highlights the architecture and the darkly Gothic feel to the place and the cool of the interior. But when you then look at the second shot in colour I think you get a different feeling, of warmth and light. The nave is largely in shadow but as you look further into the church towards the chancel you can see how it is beautifully lit by the light through the windows up high on the right, shining down onto the alter. I love this shot but don't think it really does justice to the feeling of being there.

The third picture is quite a contrast to the first two which are open, welcoming and full of light. This one is closed off and yet I feel it still draws you in. I love spiral staircases for all sorts of reasons and I was curious about this one and why it was closed off. I like the stonework surrounding it and I like the ironwork of the gate and I would have loved to have been able to explore further but all I can do is imagine what was on the other side...

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