Monday 23 July 2018

Songbirds of Skomer

It is probably fair to say that from April through July the main attractions on Skomer are the Puffins and the other nesting seabirds that make this island their temporary home. But, there are lots of other things to see, lots of other creatures that find sanctuary on the island like rabbits, grey seals and a host of song birds. It would be a mistake however to think that it is a totally safe place because the Black Backed Gulls are ruthless predators feeding  on chicks and the Manx Shearwaters so all the islands residents need to be very wary.

Walking around the island the air is filled with birdsong but it is very difficult to spot the birds as they flit around the bracken and heather. With a bit of patience however I managed to get a few shots of a Stonechat and a Meadow Pippit. These are really beautiful birds and the pippit has a beautiful and captivating song.

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