Saturday 7 July 2018

AReal Treat

Here is a little teaser of what I have to share in future posts after my day out on Skomer in Pembrokeshire.

I have been before and shared pictures of Puffins before but I really wanted to go back and experience this wonderful island reserve again.

Puffins are not the main inhabitants of the island, that honour goes to the Manx Shearwater of which there are 300,000 breeding pairs, but since they're mostly nocturnal we didn't get to see any. Puffins however have a special charm and I absolutely love them so here is just one for today as a treat and I will get round to sharing more shortly.

I did also get some nice pictures of other birds across the island and some grey seals too so I am definitely a happy man.

Now I have to get planning my next trip...

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