Tuesday 17 July 2018


Canon EF24 - 105 mm F/4 L IS USM
ISO 125  50 mm F/14  1/250 sec

ISO 125  28 mm  F/14  1/250 sec

After three days in Sweden our roadtrip continued into Germany with Dresden being our main destination but on the way we stopped off in Colditz.

If wasn't for the TV series that I watched as a child or the book that I read about the prisoner of war camp located in the castle here it is more than likely that we would have just driven past but having seen that the town lay almost on our route I was keen to take the small detour and have a look at this renaissance town in Saxony. It was definitely worth it. The architecture was really beautiful, the castle was imposing and atmospheric and the cake we bought in the bakery in the square was really delicious.

These shots show the tower of the church which overlooked the square and was on the route up to the castle. It was quite a simple building but for the tower with its dome and spire.  If you are ever in Saxony I would definitely recommend visiting Colditz.

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