Thursday 12 July 2018

Through The Mist

ISO 160   600mm  F/11   1/320 sec

ISO 160   329mm  F/11   1/320 sec

This was my view across St Brides Bay from Martin's Haven on the Pembrokeshire coast.  It was a beautifully sunny morning with scorching temperatures but many parts of the coast were shrouded in a thick layer of sea fog.  

Many large tankers take shelter in the bay while waiting to get into the oil terminal at Milford Haven. They are really huge vessels but as you can see in these pictures the fog appeared to swallow them up with just the upper level of the bridge and accommodation block visible. I think this makes quite and effective, if eerie image especially in black and white, or more correctly in shades of grey.

The colour image highlights just what a beautiful day it really was, it wasn't for the superstructure of the ship rising out of the fog you would think you were looking far out to the horizon. I was relieved that the sea was so calm for our short journey across to Skomer.

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