Monday 2 July 2018

Little House On The Rocks

Cano EF 70 - 300mm F 4-5.6 IS USM
ISO 100  150 mm  F/16  1/250 sec

ISO 100  135mm  F/16  1/250 sec

ISO 100  220 mm  F/16  1/250 sec

I am really loving the current spell of warm weather, it feels like a proper summer at last. The only drawback being that I have to be in work so I can't fully enjoy the sunny conditions. So when I was choosing these pictures for today's blog I was drawn to these shots of the little house on the rocks.

One of the things I was most keen to do on my roadtrip was to see something of the archipelago near to Gothenburg and on a hot and sunny day lots of other people had the same idea. If you ever get to visit this part of Sweden I would definitely recommend visiting the islands and even though lots of people take trips out from the city it is possible to find quiet spots and feel as though you are miles from anywhere and anyone else. What's more it is a cheap day out because a day ticket for the trams and buses is also valid for the boats which shuttle between the islands and you can get on and off to explore as many of the islands as you choose.

We headed to Vrango one of the southernmost islands in the group and it wasn't long after we got off the boat that we found ourselves away from the other day trippers. There are no cars on the island so it is really safe to walk around.

Here I have selected three different shots of a little red summer house which was perched on top of a rocky outcrop, it had stunning views in every direction and I think it looks great. I like the colour and black and white images but whereas I would often prefer black and white in this instance I think the colour images are much better. The colours really pop out and yes the sky really was that blue. This was one of the hottest days on our roadtrip and quite a surprise given it was the furthest north on our trip around Europe and we had expected things to be a few degrees cooler. 

There was lots more to see around the island and so I will be sharing more shots from Vrango in the days to come.

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