Sunday 15 July 2018

Light and Shade

Canon EF 24 - 105mm F/4 L IS USM
ISO 160   24mm   F/4.5  1/1000 sec

ISO 250  47 mm  F/4.5   1/1000 sec

Today's shots were captured in the Botanical Garden and Palm House in Gothenburg which is beautiful oasis in the city, bordered on one side by a canal.

It was a really hot day and so finding a few moments in the shade of some of the less formal gardens was really good but to see the brightest flowers we had to brave the heat of the day.

In front of the Palm House there were two ornamental basins with magnificent displays of deep blue flowers. I think this first image looks wonderful.

We nipped inside the Palm House to find a huge selection of succulents and Cacti and if we had thought it was hot outside the interior of the Palm House was something else, not just hot but really humid as well. We met a group of noisy school children inside too so with the heat and noise we didn't stay too long, just long enough to get a few pictures. I love these spiky balls of green and the way the light catches them.

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