Friday 20 July 2018

Street Life

As well as showing some of the great sights along the way I also wanted to capture images of some of the people as we travelled around Europe. In so many of my pictures I try to keep people out but when photographing in a city it is really the people that bring the places to life.

In the first image for example the people passing through this walkway are what gives the arch its purpose and I wonder how many thousands of people have walked through here over the years. To give the image a sense of age and history I shot this one in black and white.

The next two images work much better in colour especially because the colours are so warm and vibrant and I love these pictures of people stopped for their morning coffee. I really like the scene in the third which shows the terrace of the Grand Cafe on An der Frauenkirche in Dresden.

The final shot shows one of the carriages and drivers patiently waiting to start a tour of the city but it was a little early in the day. The fashion conscious among you might notice the drivers' choice of socks and sandals, never a good look... 

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