Wednesday 26 November 2014

A Rainy Day in the Lakes

I've been itching to get out to the Lake District for a while now and when the forecast looked promising this last weekend my eldest son and I decided to go.  We planned on walking around Rydal Water and Grasmere along the "Coffin Trail" as this would not be too strenuous and would give some good photo opportunities.  However, and this will not come as a big surprise, the met office got it wrong.  So alright it was cold I didn't mind that, it was a bit cloudy and I didn't mind that but the rain, that was not in the forecast at all and we got soaked.  It also limited the opportunities to get some good shots.  

Even so we had a great day out, we got some Sarah Nelson's Gingerbread too which is really really tasty.  So you enjoy the pictures and I will enjoy some gingerbread...


  1. Very nice, the clouds add atmosphere. I love that region, can hardly wait to get back there for a visit. I hope you saved me some of that Gingerbread.

    1. I'm sorry, it's far too tasty to save, but when you come over I will buy you some as a treat. There were a couple of times when the sun broke through and lit up the fells but it was far too brief and I'd packed my camera away to protect it from the torrent. I will be back though and i will get plenty more shots.
      This coming weekend I may head off to Snowdonia
