Sunday 2 November 2014

Pond Dipping

Earlier this summer I took this candid shot of two boys pond dipping.  This was clearly an impromptu activity as they didn't have nets or any means of catching anything nor did they have any sort of container to keep things in but none of this seemed to be any deterrent for them. The pond was alive with tadpoles and so it was inevitably too good an opportunity to pass up.  

Unaware that they were being observed meant there was plenty of time to take the shot. I think it works well in black and white.  The picture was taken using my 24 - 105mm lens at 105mm f4 ISO 100 1/100s.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I took a couple of photos of Simon and Nathaniel dipping their hands in the fountains next to Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
