Thursday 6 November 2014


In contrast to yesterday's rather chilly pictures I have chosen something summery and warming for today.  

In July I took my mum to visit Belsay Hall in Northumberland, its definitely worth a visit although the hall itself is a bit of an oddity.  The gardens however are really pleasant, in particular the quarry gardens which meander through the old quarry which provided the stone for the hall and castle.  The path seems to flow through the garden enclosed in places by the high rock walls which as you pass through reveals little treasures.  The first picture is just one example of this.

The second picture is of the simple daisy which I think is a quintessential English summer flower.

I hope that in sharing these two pictures I have brought a little warmth to your day wherever you are...

1 comment:

  1. Looks like an interestiing place, not your typical idea of an English garden. Very pleasant.
