Friday 7 November 2014


As I was driving to work this morning a tune came on my iPod Grey by Yellowcard which my son commented was an appropriate tune for the day, it certainly was and I thought that somehow I was going to include that in my blog today but I wasn't sure how. 

One of the benefits of living so near to the  north west coast is that the sunsets are often spectacular and today was a case in point.  Which given the start of the day which was grey and wet and miserable was an unexpected bonus.

Too often I am unable to capture the scene and today if I am honest I would have preferred to have been down at the seafront to get the sky over Liverpool Bay and the Dee Estuary but I just didn't have time to get there so the pictures I am sharing were taken from my upstairs window looking towards Flintshire.  I have cropped the pictures slightly to cut out some of the buildings in the foreground because they don't add anything to the image.  

The colours in the sky were obviously what prompted me to take these pictures but I took one in monochrome to see how that worked.  I actually think it works quite well and it gives a somewhat eerie quality to the image.

The second shot below is from the RAW file and the first picture is the monochrome version of that shot.  The third image was taken less than 30 seconds after the first and shows how rapidly the colours were changing.

1 comment:

  1. Sunsets are a fascinating subject, no two are alike, and the range of colours are infinite. Nice shots.
