Saturday 29 November 2014

Good Fortune

Today while driving home from North Wales I had time to think about good fortune or good luck.  I felt very lucky or blessed  today, as lucky as Pedro who has shocks and pegs on his bike and as lucky as the guy in the Tubelord song I was listening to.  

The reason being... the weather was perfect for photography.  As I set off at 7.00 a.m. in the dark and the rain I was being hopeful but it paid off because the light was great and although quite cold the conditions were perfect as I combined my photography with a really good walk up to and around Llyn Idwal in Snowdonia. Over the next few days or so I will be sharing a selection of the images I captured.

I also felt lucky to have met a really lovely couple and as we chatted about cameras and photography they told me how lucky they feel to live in such a beautiful part of Wales.

Perhaps the luckiest of all however was the person in the photos below who was being rescued by the absolutely amazing RAF rescue team.  Obviously not lucky to have fallen down the mountain and needing to be rescued of course, but lucky that we have a service such as this with servicemen/women who are dedicated and highly trained to preform such dangerous work.  More good fortune for the rescuers was the conditions were so good, and as you can see from the shots below this was a blessing indeed as they hovered so low and close to the rock face.  The couple I spoke to told me that last week they had seen a similar rescue on the other face of the mountain but on that occasion there was a gale blowing and it was raining sideways.  Respect and admiration by the shed load for these guys,  if I had a hat I'd be taking it off right now!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Fortuitous for you if not lucky for the poor individual needing to be rescued. Looking forward to seeing the other pictures.
