Tuesday 4 November 2014

Semur-en-Auxois from the L'Armancon

Today's two pictures are similar views of the town of Semur en Auxois in Burgundy.  These pictures were taken on our last day of touring the region because later in the day we were involved in a car smash on our way back to the gite.

This was a lovely town with the citadel overlooking the town and the river below.  The narrow streets and medieval buildings are a real delight and the street cafes and patisseries serve up some real treats.  One famous local treat is Gateau Mont-Auxois which is a light and delicious cake.  I bought one to take back to have as a dessert  that evening.  Later on having crashed the car we were all sat in an ambulance waiting to be taken to the local hospital to be assessed.  At the last minute I remembered that I had left the keys to our gite in the car and told the medics that I needed to get them.  I found the cake on the floor of the car next to the keys and returned to the ambulance keys in pocket and cake in hand. The paramedics laughed as I approached and one somewhat incredulously commented to his colleague "il a sauve le gateau!".  I have to say it was worth saving!  Fortunately no one was badly hurt and after our checkup we were allowed to go home...

1 comment:

  1. Very picturesque. Disneyland eat your heart out. It's like something from a fairytale. Nice views. I am glad you have some nice photos and memories, not just remembering the accident.
