Tuesday 18 November 2014

At Herne Bay

The three pictures above were taken on the beach at Herne Bay in Kent, The Garden of England.

I took a number of pictures of the breakwaters as they stretched down the beach into the sea, I think the one I have posted today is the best of them.  

I have chosen two other pictures of the waves breaking, one in monochrome and the other in colour.  Again I took several pictures to try to capture the right moment as the wave hit the breakwater, I think that they are  dramatic shots even though the waves weren't particularly big the effect as they broke was quite exciting.

I like water as a subject for photography and in the future I will experiment with different shots and different effects.


  1. Very nice. I have always liked photographs which show perspective and illustrate depth etc. Water is a fantastic subject for photography and by tweaking exposures a little we can achieve vastly different effects.

    1. One of the great things about digital photography is that you can mess about and tweak things without cost. In the good old days of film it was costly to get it wrong.
